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Clinical trials and research are a critical part of bringing new medicines to patients. Through the data generated from clinical trials, we answer important scientific questions and gain a better understanding about the efficacy and safety of these study medicines and their potential as treatment options for patients.
BMS Clinical Trials is a website to help potential patients who are considering taking part in a clinical trial. The trials can be downloaded to have a discussion with your family and doctor. If you’re ready to take the next step in your journey you can answer a few questions to see if you might be eligible, choose a study you match to and a trial site that is located conveniently for you. A study team member at the trial site you have chosen will contact you to begin the process. It is the trial site physician’s final decision about whether you are eligible to participate.
Bristol Myers Squibb is a global biopharma company focused on Our Mission to discover, develop and deliver innovative medicines to patients with serious diseases. By adhering to local, regional, and national requirements for clinical trial disclosure, we are committed to publicly sharing information on the clinical trials we conduct, regardless of the outcome, as described below. We also believe in providing access to clinical trial information to researchers who seek to advance science. We are committed to providing access that also protects patient privacy, respects the integrity of national regulatory systems and maintains incentives for those who invest in biomedical research. Our internal disclosure procedures are routinely audited to ensure adherence to this commitment. Go to Disclosure Commitment >